
Yea, I was raised here!
Click Here To Hear "JESUS LIVES"
Click to hear BROKEN

I use this site to post stories about my past and present, as well as notes of interest, my opinions, some of my art, some of my music, with links to more, pictures of all kinds of things, family notes, things I like, jokes, lies, or whatever I feel like posting. Please check the links further down this page.....

Take my stories with a grain of salt, after all, I'm from Texas.  Check out the artwork on the next page, and if you have one of mine, send me a copy or a picture or something so I can post it.  I have put some of Brother Craig's, Sister Mary Elizabeth's, and daughter Ana Victoria's (IVEYCADO) art on the Guest Stuff page, even though it  makes my stuff look bad.   I've put some pictures of family on some of the following pages, there are lots more to sort through and upload over time, and if you have something, E-Mail it to me for inclusion .  A bit of history is revisited on the My Story page with a copy of Ye Grande Olde Order of the Vultures.  If you see your name there, great, I'm glad you still live, and hope you are well.  Your comments are surely welcome.   I tend to operate this site like I do my pickup.  It usually starts, and I lead it to the most unusual places.  I hope you enjoy your visit!  CHECK THE LINKS!  PEACE!  

My Favorite Links!

Contact Me here            ricky@rickyivey.com

This is my Band, AlleluiaAmen.  Forever live the Christian Rocker!  You can listen to some tunes and see our story.  You may download music from our JESUS LIVES  or MERRY CHRISTMAS JESUS albums from itunes, amazon, etc.  Love, Love, Love, all of you.  Lots more music on alleluiaamen.com page 3.  You will love the ride!   Be Blest!

My brother Everett is the King of Video and Audio recording, editing, production, and creativity.  He runs a kick butt business named VNS, and has chingos of cows and family and toys.  Love Love Love the family.

Ed and I go way, way, way back in being raised together and having butloads in common.  Ed is king of Bass, Brass, well, any kind of musical instrument, and record production and booking shows, and knowing everything about the music industry and stuff.  Ed dominates the San Francisco area and has mega numerous recordings out there for us to enjoy.  We've got lots of
stories to tell.


I work here, yea, I hafta gotta have somethin to do for income. My life is a blast!  A gift from God!  I work with really great, gifted, and beautiful people, and I'm proud to call it my career

My Cousin Art married Debbie, and they had a huge beautiful family, I love them dearly.  their music is most awesome, like they are.   PS: My brother Everett the producer made their most awesome music video.  The Iveys - Leave it to love.  Check it out now! 

My neighbor, Tony, has been recording great bands since I can remember.  You hear them on the radio all the time.  I'm glad to be friends with Tony.  He has a most awesome recording compound, and is a terrific farmer!  Check it out!


My friends the Martins' are great people, and if you live in the area, there is no better place for your tires, brakes, alignment, wheels, or just good  ol honest advice.   I'm proud to call them family.


SSSSoooooooo many friends!   I hang out with David Kearny.  Blues artist deluxe!  I'm glad to love this man.  He has a rich history in rock and blues and has played with Jimmy Hendrix, among so many others..  google it!
